Wednesday, July 29, 2009

There's a huge possibility...

...that I am from another planet.

Have you ever felt like that? Like you seem to think and register on a comepletely different level then those surrounding you. Like your brain was tuned into another radiowave than everyone elses?

Have you ever had that strange feeling when you stand in the middle of a crowd, that you are the only one that thinks about how stupidly that poster on the wall is placed, because everyone just walks by it without seeing it. But you saw can't stop seeing it...why?

This happens to me frequently. Okay so I thought the Facebook Group "I Narrate My Life In My Head Like JD From Scrubs" was a funny name for a group so I joined it. But as I clicked on the "Join" button, I realize that I somewhat do. Sometimes I even do it out loud. I talk to myself. All my friends and family know that. I just understand things better when they are said out loud. Why? I haven't the foggiest...

I think out loud, and I narrate my life in my head sometimes. I see things differently. I highly suspect that noone else looks at a movie the same way I do...or thinks the same way about that special corner on that significant street...that doesn't really mean anything to me it is just a vivid picture in my mind, for some reason or the other.

This is why I think I might be from another Planet.
Maybe I'm from Planet Zchnoog. A Planet far, far away where noone is judged and speaking your thoughts out loud is as normal as eating cherry-pie for breakfast. Where everyone feels the need to talk like a pirate once in a while and loves to travel over the 10 seas that takes up most of the planets surface. Money is not an important fact and everyone gets along. The term "war" is an unknown term that doesn't excist and you are allowed to be just who you are. Eeeh, who am I kidding, a place like that doesn't excist...but one can dream.

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