Monday, February 14, 2011


I'll be honest. I didn't even remember that it was Valentines Day today, until my work-buddy mentioned it...

Needless to say my Valentine♥ forgot it too. Aw shucks. But, no harm done, we can be totally hopelessly forgetful together.

But still, here I am, wishing every one a Happy Valentines Day!

And I do so with Bubbly by Colbie Caillat, just because it's so damn cute.


  1. i was on google looking for quotes from a book The Perks of Being a Wallflower (which also happens to be my favorite book.) when your blog showed up in my search. I was curious about what the 'Wallflower diaries' were so I came to check it out and read a few of your posts. I enjoy your writing and your personality....okay well bye.

  2. @Bodacious Boomer. Happy very belated Valentines Day to you too!

    @Christin Leigh. Thank you! It's always fun with new readers and I'm glad you like my ramblings and rants!



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