Monday, May 24, 2010

I Love Food. True Story.

You know, I've never understood those who check how much carbs, calories, fat and what-not they put into their mouths. Okay, yes it's good to know what you eat, eat healthy and all that shazz. But counting carbs? Making lists on how much you can and/or should eat each day? Come on. No. Never.
I wouldn't be able to stand that. I admit, I do check for some really bad substances, and etc. But I'm never going to count how much fat or whatevs I can and/or should eat. Never ever.

I just love food too much for that. Sincerely. I am not a master-chef, and probably never will be. And to be honest I've only recently begun to have any sort of interest in making the food instead of just...well...eating it.
Because I can't understand how some girls (and guys too I guess...but it is mostly girls...right?) can stand to refuse to eat some goodness just because it contains too much fat/carbs/whatever you're supposed to avoid.
I mean this weekend we barbequed. I helped to make some delicious goodness that I know some Carb-Nazi wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole. It's (field)mushrooms filled with blue cheese and wrapped in bacon (Mmmm-Bacon....). Who could resist this? I mean the mushrooms are deli-ish, the cheese actually melts on your tounge, that's just how creamy and good it is, and Bacon. Come on, bacon

My love for food hasn't always been there, I'm embarrased to say that once upon a time I was very fastidious when it came to food. Yeah I know, terrible that is. But that was then and now I am a lover of food. Now I just have to practice making it. Perhaps I should start posting my attempts at making any sorts of food here? I'll think about it. The reason food is the topic today is actually the fact that I've begun reading alot of Food Blogs. Awesomeness.

On another note...sometimes I just look at alot of my Facebook Friends when they all put up "Just got home from the Gym", "Time for a Walk" or something like that. And what have I done? Well, on tha particular day I had; sat inside, watched a good movie and ate this delicious meringue-cream-banana-cake. Goodness. Absolute goodness.

 This is not it. But it looked something like that.

So I felt kind of...lazy and weird. But I shrugged it off pretty quickly. Then I helped myself to another piece of cake. I couldn't resist. But that's all for now.

Peace Out.

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