Thursday, February 10, 2011

Promises, I Hope Will Be Remembered.

Okay so I've put...I would like to say alot, but atleast some time and thought into this.

Here comes my, totally late, New Years Resolutions for 2011. Which I am going to try and keep.

  1. Find and Apartment.
    Yes, it's back on the list and I'm pretty sure it'll happen this year, considering...
  2. Join a Gym or something. Get fit you son of a...!
    Sorry, but yeah. I need to get back in shape asap.
  3. Start eating more healthy.
    It's just something I need to do, I've been eating so much crap lately.
  4. Less swearing.
    Cussing like a Sailor just isn't lady-like...
  5. Quit smoking. Even when you drink, no more nicotine for you.
    I don't smoke all the time, but I just feel like I should stop comletely.
  6. Learn how to say No without feeling guilty.
    This is going to be hard and I know it. But I have to do something about it. 
  7. Control your Shopping.
    If nr. 1 is happening, this is a must.


  1. Being a lady is way overrated in my opinion.

  2. It totally is, but sometimes it's kind of fun to be a Lady :)

  3. Gaah I hear yah! Shopping är ett big problem för mig. Har shoppingfri månad just nu å ja håller hela tiden på att klicka hem någo från nån nätsida. Tur att ja int bor i nån större stad å e omringad av en massa härliga butiker för då sku ja sååå vara screwed. ;)

  4. Shoppingfri månad? Yikes, d sku va svårt. Men...någå som jah defenitivt måst fundera på till Mars Månad xD



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