Sunday, November 1, 2009

November 1st...

I can't believe it. We have officially entered November. That is so freaky, sincerely.

Yesterday it was Halloween (Uuuuh) and I was in Turku at V&K's new very much awesome apartment. Then we went out to a bar/club/whatever....where I was half scared to death by some dudes in REALLY scary outfits. They were unbelievable. You can't even describe them you had to be there. Honest! And I also saw a clown...that was almost scarier then the guy that looked like half of his face was scraped off...True Story.
But all in all it was a fun night.

Dudes! I also found this very nice clip from UK's ESC competition 2004. Guess who participated in a boy band called Hyrise. You guessed right...Ben Barnes. Holy shit. I was laughing my ass off through the whole song. I mean come on it's a BOY BAND! But it is relatively good...considering...I'll just post the video below. And yes between laughs I did squeal...I am in such a "fan-girl" (sad but true)  mode right now.(and let's just ignore the dance...okay?)


  1. That's just AWESOME!!!I love it when Idols can still do funny things and not only try to look cool all the time,that they're goofy too!!xDDD
    it's almost adorable!

  2. JeppxD Ja har nog på båda :P köpte blåa också men ha int pröva dom ännu:D



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