Friday, January 1, 2010

Let's enter 2010...

I have been absent again. Sorry. Christmas was good. New Years good. Everything is pretty much good right now. Not overly great but not shitty either.

So...2010, huh? That is just weird. Honestly.
How can one grasp the fact that we have now entered another new year, when one sort of didn't even notice the previous one go by?

So what are my hopes for this new year? None what-so-ever.
But I do have a few New Years resolutions...not that I am a master of keeping those.
But I thought if I type them down my virtual confession box, I might keep them? It's a long shot but I'll just do it anyways.

So here they are the most Awesome Resolutions By Yours Truly...the 2010 Edition!!

  1. Start exersicing! Join a gym or something... Seriously this whole lazy, "I'm pretty sure I'm going to turn into a potatosack any day now" style I've got going on isn't working. Or well...It's working but it aint doing me any good.
  2.  Avoid Energy Drinks at all cost. It's a life or death situation. Or something. Word.
  3. Less computer time. Ugh. That's going to be a hard one.
  4. Blog frequently. Yes, my dear stalkers I hereby promise to try to blog more often. Do note the word try.
  5. Find an apartment. Yep, that is like my only actual goal for this year. Radical?
  6. Read atleast 10 books this year.  That's just something to keep my mind (what's left of it) sharp.
  7. Finish up most of my half done writing-projects.
  8. Throw away those Cancer-Sticks for good. I'm serious here.
  9. Atleast try to watch what I eat...and stop with all this semi-manufactured shit I've been eating way too much of some times.
  10. Stop cussing. Hard. One.
So there we have it. 10 all together...I might come up with something else still but we'll have to see about that.

Well anyways...a Happy New Year to all of you!

1 comment:

  1. oh,nr 3 is something that is gonna be hard if you have to update your blog :D
    but I think you'll do great with the other ones!:D



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