Thursday, January 21, 2010

Reincarnated Rockstar Vampire 101.

I remember promising to put this up a long time ago, so with out further ado;

Reincarnated Rockstar Vampire 101.
So I decided to do this 101 Things About The Blogger that has been taking over floating around the Blog-verse. In case inquiring minds want to know.  
So here it is, probably the most boring 101 things you’ll ever have the (un)fortunate pleasure to read. Enjoy.

  1. I consider myself rather odd. My brain works on a different level, so to speak.
  2. Chocolate is like a drug to me.
  3. My phone. I have one. It’s black. And it’s almost never on my person…I loose it and forget I have it most of the time.
  4. Speaking of my phone…It has; been lost at the Autumn Market, taken as spin in the washing machine and been lost for a week so my friends left me (approx) 30 messages and thought I was dead. (Insert awkward laugh here)
  5. I am a Beautician. That’s what I went to school for anyways. But my other (un-official) profession would be…Day Dreamer or Strange Blogger…
  6. Hi, my name is Charlotta and I am a Fanfiction Addict.
  7. I have the memory spam of a confused goldfish…
  8. Scrubs is one of my favourite TV shows ever.
  9. Clowns scare the life out of me.
  10. I don’t eat Green Candy. (Long story short; I ate one when I was about 5(?) and almost puked a little in my mouth…)
  11. I’m a messy person; my living area often looks like WWIII raged the place.
  12. I am a movie addict, I love movies. End of story.
  13. While we’re on the Movie topic…I have a “talent” for remembering lines and quotes. Unnecessary really.
  14. I love any kinds of rock-music…
  15. Music overall is my Muse.
  16. I am fascinated by Vampires.
  17. Sarcasm is a way of life.
  18. Johnny Depp is my favourite actor through all time.
  19. I actually shed a tear when I found out that Heath Ledger died...
  20. I’m a Dork.
  21. When I was little I didn’t watch My Little Pony or whatever little girls were supposed to watch. Oh No Sir! I watched X-Men, Transformers and He-Man. High Five!
  22. Bookworms Unite (!)…Yeah I am such a Geek.
  23. Hair-Bands…I love them. Why? Not even Jebus knows…
  24. Agyness Deyn is my fashion role model.
  25. Aviators. Hell Yeah!
  26. There’s something about the 80’s that appeal to me. Strange considering the fact that I was born in the 90’s
  27. Wolverine is cooler than cool. And I thought he was hot before Hugh Jackman portrayed him (Mr. Jackman only made him hotter…).
  28. Perfumes. Why do I need several ones? Because it’s AWESOME!
  29. I love dogs. And I have a Labrador of me own.
  30. I love accents; English, Scottish, Irish or Australian ones makes my knees go all flubber like.
  31. I have a tendency to get crushes on Fictional Characters…Books, Movies, TV-Shows…doesn’t matter…
  32. You know that person that always cries when the hero dies or something sad happens on the big screen? That person would be me…
  33. Speaking of the big screen. The idiot talking to the people on the screen like they can actually hear her, is me. (I don’t do this in theatres (I somehow manage to control myself there) but I do it frequently in front of the Boob Tube.).
  34. I am, always have been and probably always will be a Daddy’s Girl.
  35.  I am so marrying Patrick Jane from The Mentalist, don’t argue with me. The invites have already been sent out and the dress is in the making.
  36. I don’t think of myself as a religious person. I don’t believe in God. There wouldn’t be so much crap in this world if he did exist. And I just find it very unbelievable that some dude amongst the clouds is “all-knowing”. But I do believe that there’s something bigger than us out there. I also believe in individual freedom and human rights, so I guess I’m sort of a Religious Liberalist if you have to put a label on it. The New Age Movement also fascinates me.
  37. Feng Shui fascinates me and I recently decided to try it out.
  38. I used to love pink, now my favourite colour is black and red.
  39. I’m pretty sure I’m a Liberalist(?) when it comes to life in general.
  40. I collect Johnny Depp’s movies. I strive to one day own them all.
  41. I talk to myself, frequently.
  42. Paul from the Lost Boys…Is one of the coolest characters ever. I Paulie.
  43. So I suppose that I joined the FB group called “I Narrate My Life In My Head Like J.D. From Scrubs” just for fun…only to realize that I actually do that sometimes. Awesomeness.
  44. I’m not much of a drinker, I’m not a to-taller either, but I have thought about it.
  45. Cancersticks are for losers, so why do they find themselves stuck in my mouth from time to time?
  46. I am very much guilty of being a Harry Potter fan. Sue me.
  47. Austin Winkler’s (the singer in Hinder) voice gives me Goosebumps.
  48. …Just like Clayton Stroope’s (Thriving Ivory) amazingly different voice…
  49. …And John Mayer’s when I think about it…
  50. When I’m sad I stop being sad and become awesome instead. True story.
  51. I am a hopeless romantic.
  52. Hey, how come Andrew gets to get up? If he gets up, we'll all get up, it'll be anarchy!
  53. I like everything that is a little bit different than the ordinary.
  54. I like to draw; I’m not very good at it. It’s just something that relaxes me.
  55. The Ozzy Osbourne song “You Can’t Kill Rock N’ Roll” is so damn true.
  56. I tend to loose myself in my own world from time to time.
  57. Even if clowns freak me out, Heath Ledger’s The Joker strangely fascinates me. Is it wrong to find a psychotic killer clown attractive?
  58. When I think no one’s watching I dance around in front of the mirror in my room.
  59. I really hope that reincarnation exists.
  60. I am an avid procrastinator.
  61. I liked Twilight (still enjoy the first book). But after reading the fourth book…well Breaking Dawn destroyed it for me, sincerely. I died a little inside when I read that one…
  62. And seriously people…we all know that the Twi-Vamps are so not real vampires. They SPARKLE for heavens sake. They wouldn’t last long against Spike, Lestat, Angel or The Lost Boys!
  63. I can watch The Lost Boys over and over again without getting bored.
  64. Same goes for Stand by Me, I love those movies…
  65. I like to write. No Shit Sherlock.
  66. Things like magic, the occult and ghosts have always intrigued me.
  67. Stop This Train by John Mayer is one of the most beautiful songs I’ve ever heard. Sincerely.
  68. After watching Dexter Season One I have this weird obsession with painting my nails in different colours…Just because that’s what the Ice-Truck-Killer did to his victims…is that…weird?
  69. Sid Vicious was innocent. At least that’s what I think.
  70. It doesn’t matter if I’ve read it a dozen times before. Meg Cabot’s Boy Meets Girl always makes me laugh.
  71. I love Chinese Food…especially Noodles. “They're only noodles Michael.”
  72. I always cry at that one scene in the movie RENT.
  73. John Hughes was a genius.
  74. I have a soft spot for Bad Boys.
  75. I was actually rooting for Voldemort and wanted The Boy Who Just Won’t Die to…well die.
  76. Most of the time I think about things very carefully before I do something…but that does not apply to my mouth. Saying things without thinking first is my speciality.
  77. I mentioned remembering quotes from movies, I also tend to blurt them out frequently.
  78. The Barneyisme Should Be A Religion. That would be Legend…wait for it…dary!
  79. I am a computer abuser. Seriously, I use it way too much.
  80. I drink way too much coffee…
  81. I usually have a very long fuse…but when it comes to drivers driving slowly…that fuse magically disappears.
  82. Fingerless gloves rox my sox.
  83. I love Andy Warhol’s work.
  84. I get inspired by Old School Punk. Punk Suit Up!
  85. I’m a potty mouth…but I’m trying to get better…PMA (Potty Mouths Anonymous) anyone?
  86.  Any kind of rodent…freaks me out. I get chills, dudes, chills!
  87. I am a Hairspray Abuser.
  88. CSI was one of the first TV-Shows I started following and I still do!
  89. I seriously can’t remember the last time my toenails were nail polish free.
  90. Laughing until you can’t breathe is one serious and very frequent issue of my life...True Story.
  91. I think that there’s three persons; Me, Myself and I that share my brain.
  92. I also imagine that my little “shoulder devil/angel persons” are in fact miniature Captain Jack Sparrow’s and not mini Me’s.
  93. My favourite number is the number 15.
  94. I used to fear death. But I got over it. I came to the conclusion that being afraid of dying makes you not live life to the fullest. So the quote from Tuck Everlasting pretty much sums it all up; “Don’t be afraid of Death. Be afraid of the Unlived Life.
  95. To know Lloyd Dobler is to love him.
  96. Speaking of Lloyd…you know that trench coat he wears in the movie? I want it!
  97. A couple of years ago I hated anything that was supposed to go on my head. It thought it was going to mess up my hair. But now…well I wear Beanies and Hats all the time!
  98. The Sex Pistols are one of the greatest bands to ever walk this earth.
99.  I am really Lazy sometimes.
100.    I tend to rant and ramble a lot. It’s a curse.
101.    I have a thing for tattoos. Don’t have one of my own though…yet.

So there you have it; 101 things you didn’t want or need to know about the Dork known as me.


  1. "You're a vampire Michael! My own brother, a goddamn, sh*t-sucking vampire. You wait 'till mom finds out, buddy!" ;P



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