Sunday, January 24, 2010

Wicked Musings...?

I've never really understood peoples' faschination with TV-shows such as Big Brother and Paradise Hotel. To me it's the most boring, bogus, heinous and most non-triumphant thing on the Boob Tube (Yes I watched Bill&Ted again. Sue Me).
I mean what's the point? Some dudes are stuck in a house/on a Island...we watch them eat, sleep, make-out, fight, talk, fight a little more and do the nasty all over the place. Um, what's so interesting about that?
There's no plot what-so-ever, not very interesting characters they are usually just annoying and very predictable. It's totally bogus! And come on...we all know that the whole thing is BS most of the time and set up and everything.
Or well...atleast I hope it is. Who in their right mind would sign up for a show like that, without getting a big fat wad of cash and/or being tricked into it?
I'd rather watch CSI or How I Met Your Mother all day instead of that crap. CSI has an interesting plot, really radical characters (Nick Stokes. Nick Stokes. Nick Stokes) and it's just plain awesomeness. Totally!

What brought this on, you might ask? Well it's Sunday and some channels find it fun and most thriumphant to have a PH marathon. Gag me with a spoon. 

On that note...Over and Out.

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