Monday, June 29, 2009

King of

Wow. Where did this heat come from? damn. It's sooo hot. I know I shouldn't complain, but you're never happy...right?
Michael Jackson is dead. I know this is sort of old news already but...I just can't wrap my head around it. The King of Pop no longer with us? I know I know...the whole plastic surgery, pedofile accusions and all the other strange rumors and things that went on with him were...well strange. But what about the music? The thing that is actually essential. At least to me.

When I was about...9? Michael Jackson was my Idol. I adored his music and I though his dance moves were so cool! Back then I didn't care or understand anything but that I thought the music sounded good. And that is what you should care about...right? So RIP Michael Jackson. A true legend. I for one will always remember his music. Legend...wait for it...dary.

1 comment:

  1. True story!!I also Adored Michael when I was little,still do....I think those rumors about him was just because he was so popular,ofcourse I would make my kid lie about beeing touched by one of the worlds richest men...:o



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