Friday, October 16, 2009


I don't know where the days go anymore. It's like they just dissapear without me noticing. It is rather disturbing.

I've been so slow today, seriously. I don't know what's wrong with my brain. I've been drifting between my dream world and reality all day long. I have so much going on inside that freaky mind of mind that I donät know what to do with half of it.
One thought that hit me today was that I am sitting here blurting out my life story to the whole world. Why? I don't know and it doesn't seem like I'm stopping anytime soon. So one part of my brain was focused on that while the other one was thinking about how good an ED would taste right about then (I resisted my urges). One part of the brain was fully intent on learning the lyrics to Def Leppards Pour Some Sugar On Me (Awesomeness!). And the fourth and fith part were totally focused on Pogue Parry( Taylor Kitsch plays him...and he also plays the awesome Gambit...). Yeah, I sorta watched the Covenant again, damn you Son's of Ipswich...
Anyway. I'm heading off to bed now...and I'm trying to quiet my brain down, doesn't really look like it's going to work...oh well.

Over and Out.

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