Friday, March 5, 2010


Is there a thing like Karma? Well if there is, mine sucks.

This morning began like any other until I got in my car and started my journey to work. The sun was shining, the road glistering I was accelerating but slowed down when I saw two girls walking along the road. I pressed the break and KABAM, my car started to slide uncontrollably. It spun and all that went through my mind was; Please God don't let me hit those girls. And I don't even believe in God so that's saying something. I was in chock I guess because next think I know Eddie (my car) slammed into a railing and stopped. Somewhere in my mind I registered that the girls came running and opened my car door and asked if I was okay. I think I answered them. They asked if they should call someone but I distinktly remember telling them no and with shaky hands dialing my moms number. So after making my mom go into hysterics I called dad. He asked me where I was and I answered with multiple swearwords.
I'm okay. Eddie is not. He's going to have to visit the car doctor and I am now without a car. Damn it all to hell.
On the bright side, noone got hurt...well except Eddie. I now feel shocked, sad and eagerly waiting for some kind of news about my poor car. I miss him already.

Over and Out.

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