Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A Letter of Annoyance.

Dear Egoistical Narcissist,

There's a huge chance you don't know this, because I don't show it, but the truth is I pretty much hate your guts. Now I know hate is a very strong word and I strive not to use it too often. But, sadly, in your case I feel the word hate is not strong enough.
Now what has brought on this...loathing, you may ask? Well to be frank it has been growing under the surface for years. Getting bigger, louder and more hard to keep inside my chest every minute that goes by. This hate is a ticking bomb that is just waiting to blow. And I truly pity you the day it does blow, because believe me, it will. So that is why I am writing this letter here, as an outlet to my irritation so the D-Day will be porsponed yet another year, perhaps more?
Why do I feel like this, what on earth could make me dislike you so? Well dear Narcissist the fact is, a whole lot. You don't care about anyone but yourself, that much is obvious, hence why I chose to refer to you as a Narcissist (Wikipedia; The term narcissism refers to the personality trait of egotism, which includes the set of character traits concerned with self-image ego. The terms narcissism, narcissistic, and narcissist are often used as pejoratives, denoting vanity, conceit, egotism or simple selfishness.).
You have proven this by totally ignoring a person I care for very much for a long time now. The stress put on this person sadly effects its health, life, everything but you do not seem to care. The only thing that apparently matters is you. How can you treat another person so porly? Leaving them to fend for themselves while you just go on your pitiful ego trips. Acting like you know everyting and work so hard and yet you do nothing of importance. Your nonchalance has bugged me for years and I'm afraid that soon I will reach the breaking point. I do not know what will occur when this point is reached and quite frankly I am scared of what will happen. I am a calm person you see, but annoy me enough and there will be Hell to pay.
So Dear Narcissist, I hope that you will see to your bad ways and change, hopefully, for the better. I wish you could see the damage you're inflicting, I really do. I pity you for your confined views and thoughts.


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