Friday, April 8, 2011

Weekend and Scrubs.

So I have the weekend off for once. It feels weird, oh so weird...

I don't really have anything to write...I just felt like posting and show this awesome Scrubs video. Awesomeness!


  1. A weekend off? Good for you!! I like "Scrubs"...

    Parts of that video made me think... Hmmm...


  2. Hope you've made the most of your work free weekend! You are making me appreciate mine more.

  3. @Shoes Scrubs is awesome, what part of that video made you think? I think it's cute and it kindof makes me cry a little...

    @Politicallyspouting, I did actually make the most of it! It was great :D. And now i feel awesome for making you appreciate your weekend more. Yaay.



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