Monday, October 26, 2009

Day 26 in which I beg for forgiveness...

I have been absent from the Blog-verse for a very (times eternity) long time now. Why, might be the proper question to ask. And I am sad to say that I don't really have a proper answer. I could blame it on work, I could blame it on my lack of interesting things to write about or I could tell you the truth. I have been lazy. I have logged onto blogger severeal times and have not managed to write anything. Dumbass.

So what has happened in my lack of blogging period...That didn't make any sense but please bear with me. Not much of interest actually. I have worked, thought about life and planning the upcoming wedding between Patrick Jane and myself. It is going very well, thanks for asking ( I am just going to assume that you were all asking me about that. Because we all know that you are dying to know about the wedding...sincerely.). Well I have found a Dress and it is damn beautiful. Honestly. While browsing the Wedding Verse on the Web I also found this really cool  CAKE. I really like love cake. Well...not cream cake...but this one seems really nice.
I also realized one thing...and lets not tell my future-husband-to-be this, Savvy? I might have an itsy bitsy tiny huge crush on one...Ben Barnes...I watched The Chronicles of Narnia; Prince Caspian (I KNOW! But come on I saw the first was pretty cool so I had to see the sequel right?) (And by the by mr Barnes is on the cover...that alone was a reason to see it) and I instantly drooled over the prince of Narnia...Or rather the guy portraying him. One...Ben Barnes. One word mates. Gorgeous. Absolutely Drop Dead Gorgeous.

Am I righ or am I right?
And if the man looks like this when serious...just wait until he smiles....It was the smile that got me. Sincerely. It had me all wobbly kneed and googley-eyed(?).

My God. It's the eyes I tell you...Lets just not utter a word of this to Patrick...hehehe...right? *silence*....Right???!!!

Friday, October 16, 2009


I don't know where the days go anymore. It's like they just dissapear without me noticing. It is rather disturbing.

I've been so slow today, seriously. I don't know what's wrong with my brain. I've been drifting between my dream world and reality all day long. I have so much going on inside that freaky mind of mind that I donät know what to do with half of it.
One thought that hit me today was that I am sitting here blurting out my life story to the whole world. Why? I don't know and it doesn't seem like I'm stopping anytime soon. So one part of my brain was focused on that while the other one was thinking about how good an ED would taste right about then (I resisted my urges). One part of the brain was fully intent on learning the lyrics to Def Leppards Pour Some Sugar On Me (Awesomeness!). And the fourth and fith part were totally focused on Pogue Parry( Taylor Kitsch plays him...and he also plays the awesome Gambit...). Yeah, I sorta watched the Covenant again, damn you Son's of Ipswich...
Anyway. I'm heading off to bed now...and I'm trying to quiet my brain down, doesn't really look like it's going to work...oh well.

Over and Out.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Telephone Salesmen are...

...the freaking spawn of Belsebub (no Offence).
The thing is that yesterday I was waiting for a call from V and thinking that she was the one calling I answered without checking the "Caller ID". (Note to self: ALWAYS check the bloody ID).
To my great surprise a cheery voice asked me if I spoke swedish or finnish, I answered swedish, with a gleeful smile thinking this would lead to a short "ok, goodbye". (because most telephone-sales-people(wtf?) are really bad at my mother-tounge and don't even bother trying...) I was very much mistaken and plain wrong. Cheerily the woman on the other side of the line started to blab about internet pages this and that in perfect swedish(DAMNATION!)...
I kindly replyed; well I'm not really in any need of any Internet pages or...
She continued talking about it after I kindly declined my need for an Internet Page.
I don't know if it was my bored "Yes's", "No's" or non-commitical grunts that kept her going...
She talked and talked and talked...for about 17. something minutes, with me grunting in responce. When I was finally allowed to open my mouth I sort of lied and said that I didn't have time to talk anymore because I had to go to work...even if it was my day off. With a cheery goodbye and an annoyed bye from myself I promptly hung up.

How can they stay so damn cheery when the person they're talking to are just grunting and humming back? Why do they keep talking after the "NOT interested" has been uttered 5 times...why?
I do not know. But yesterday Telephone salesmen were numero uno on my "Spawn of Satan that simply needs to dissapear List"...Yeah. It's not a long list...but it excists.
Even if it was Johnny Depp calling me trying to sell me a pen I wouldn't have been happy (J.D. actually did that for a living for awhile...don't believe me? Google It.). Hence why I might have answered with a evil grumpy "What?" the next time my phone rang. Soo-rr-ee...

Over and Out.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

The End of an Most Awesome Adventure...

I finished my first fanfic ever. It was sad and yet so revieling. Because I started it years ago and just now was I able to finish it. It wasn't fun to write it anymore, or well not as fun as it was when I began writing it. But now it's over and done with and I hope people were satisfied with the unplanned and totally strange ending. Yeah. Check out my works if you are interested.

And now the SECOND Bill and Ted movie trailer. Bill and Teds Bogus Journey. I'm so faschinated by theese. Do notice Bill's (Alex Winter) hilarious outburst of: "What?". Awesomeness.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Most Awesome.

Today I didn't do that much, was at work and visited my cousin who turned 13 today. Happy Birthday J!

Yesterday I stumbled upon this most awesome trailer on Youtube. Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure! I have to see this movie and its sequel! Starring Alex Winter(Marko from the Lost Boys...AAAH!!) and Keanu Reeves it seems hilarious and most awesome. Filled with dorky jokes and 80's slang...Oh yay!

I have to see this one...I laughed so much that I actually cried.

Over and Out.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

If you were real...I would so marry you...

I have a tendency to get huge small crushes on TV-Characters (or any other fictional character), right now I have fallen in love with the TV-series The Mentalist. And of course it's eccentric and quirky leading man; Patrick Jane (Marry Me?). How can you not fall for him? You never know what he's going to do and the whole "psycic" thing is really cool. I've always had a minor faschination to psycic and paranormal things and that makes the show even better. He's not really psycic he just reads people really well. And even if you know he's going to do something weird and often very unappropriate you  squeal of joy and giggle every time it happens (atleast that's what I do). This guy is the coolest character right now, and matched with the rest of the team he becomes even funnier and more amazing.
So yeah if I could choose my imaginary TV-Husband it would totally be Patrick Jane right now. I think the wedding invatations (I expect the wedding gifts to start showing up in the near future...FYI We really want a bright red coffee maker...thank you very much...)should be showing up in your mailboxes any day now(If Ace and Eyeball hasn't played "Mailbox-Baseball with them again...).

Patrick Jane

Listening To: Santa Carla Twilight By Tiger Army

Over and Out.

Day 3-On Which The Skies Opened...

Waking up to the sound of a storm is not very pleasant when you know that you have to get out of bed. The fact that the wind is blowing so hard that it sounds like the roof is about to take a hike, and the raindrops are hitting the windows so hard it sounds more like someone's trying to break said windows with small pebbles, is not the sound of a promising day.

The snooze button was my friend today. When I made myself get up (15 minutes later than usual) coffee was the first thing on my mind that and the fact that I so did not want to emerge from under the covers at all.
Weather like this is rather depressing actually. You just want to stay in bed and watch movies or read or something like that. It's nice when you have a day off and can during the day. But when work just get moody. Atleast I do.

As I stand here watching the clouds try to drown us all cry, I can't help but realize that Autumn really is here. When its not raining or storming like it is today, Autumn can be really beautiful. Today is not one of those days.

Over and Out.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Really...Well That's...Weird...

Greetings Morons of the World!

I found out something incredibly interesting. My last name, if some ancestors hadn't changed it, would have been; Delamott (don't ask me how the fuck you spell it..because I do not know). Yeah pretty awesome, right!? It's french (I'm part french!!(I think...(maybe(almost)))). It's got a crest and everything. That's like...freaking cool! Why did my ancestors change it...I have no idea. It would have been soo much fun to be Charlotta Delamott...COME ON! How totally Gnarly wouldn't that be! Honest! Charlotta Emilia Delamott. Easily transformed into Charlotte Emilie Delamott. (FRENCH-NESS!) awesome. I'm going to have to check up on this...sincerely.

I'll get back to you.

Over and Out.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


So it's October 1st. Autum is officialy here...It's getting colder every day and the leaves on the trees are changing from their lush green into different shades of browns,reds and yellows... Autumn is a pretty nice season except that it reprecents the end of Summer. And the cold. I don't like the cold. But despite my dislike for cold weather I ventured outside and snapped theese pictures, just for you guys reading this. Aren't I considerate?

And a autumn poem...

Nature XXVII, Autumn

by Emily Dickinson

The morns are meeker than they were,
The nuts are getting brown;
The berry's cheek is plumper,
The rose is out of town.
The maple wears a gayer scarf,
The field a scarlet gown,
Lest I should be old-fashioned,
I'll put a trinket on.


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